
August 19, 2013

Dinner out at Haute Dish
Last week, we mentioned that TRE was celebrating our one-year anniversary. In case you missed it, here's our post talking about what we learned over the last year.

In honor of the occasion, we went out for dinner at Haute Dish in Minneapolis this weekend. The food was amazing! We had a tater tot hotdish that was like no other...yum.

Our extremely good-looking husbands
Now it's your turn: We'd love to hear how God has been with you over the past year, what you're most thankful for, or how you've made it through! Once you've shared, either on our blog or Facebook page, your name will be entered in a drawing for a FREE TRE book!  (Winner announced Monday, Aug. 26)


Praise God in his holy house of worship,
    praise him under the open skies;
Praise him for his acts of power,
    praise him for his magnificent greatness;
Praise with a blast on the trumpet,
    praise by strumming soft strings;
Praise him with castanets and dance,
    praise him with banjo and flute;
Praise him with cymbals and a big bass drum,
    praise him with fiddles and mandolin.
Let every living, breathing creature praise God!
    Hallelujah!" Psalm 150:1-6


  1. An opportunity to win you book AND share a wonderful story...sounds good to me!! I am so blessed to be a stay at home mom of 2 beautiful and energetic girls (8 and 2), and I have the most hard working wonderful husband that makes this possible. But, being a stay at home mom isn't all it's cracked up to be! There are days that I don't even leave the house...not once, and that can get to be a bit much. That on top of the continual self doubt that many wives and moms have, was getting to be more than I could handle. I needed to reach out, but wasn't sure where to go. I needed someone who could relate with what I was feeling, someone that wouldn't judge me for being in this "slump", and then it hit me. She was someone that I had known for quite some time now, but I didn't know her very well. I felt a bit awkward reaching out to her with my plea..."Hi, how are you? Please help me, I feel like a bad mother and wife". But that's exactly what I did and I am so glad that I did. She is a wife and mom I admire, she loves the Lord with all of her heart, and has helped me become stronger with my love for Him also. I thank God daily for putting Heather in my life, she truly is a blessing to me.

    1. Thank you so much for sharing...your struggle sounds so familiar. As I was reading I was thinking, is she writing about my life or hers? I think we all have slump times and need a good friend to reach out to. Beautiful story. Thank you again for sharing!
